Monday, November 17, 2008

From Barack Obama to the marketers, with love!

Barrack Obama has inarguably created history by bringing about his hands-down win in the US president ship elections through his much proverbial fund raising and risk strategy. Leaving behind the likes of Nike and Apple to be voted as the "Advertising Age Marketer" of the year, Obama has perhaps completely transformed the nature of the American electoral campaigning for the future.

So what was the big deal about Barrack's Campaigning? Here are the revealings-

  1. A brilliant combination of Digital, Direct and TV ad strategy.

  2. The game of MILLIONS- Over $640m of funds, $188m TV ad Blitz, 3.1m contributors,5m volunteers,100m page views of Youtube videos, 2.2m "fans" on Facebook page, over 1m on his official campaign website.

  3. 1 in every 10 Obama voters literally transformed into his "Brand Advocates".

Unprecedented, isn't it?

Obama's win, or rather his journey towards it, is not less than a case-study per se. Here are some defining rules straight out of Obama's digital marketing playbook that are reputed to take marketing to an altogether new level.

  • Define Goal, Build Strategy

For Obama's campaigning team the goal was clear to get-the-votes-out and the strategy was to be integrated digital marketing with the help of supporters who will lend money but also effectively campaign to help register voters.

The Hub-and-spoke model was followed where the hub,, popularly called MyBo, saw traffic pouring in from various spokes including referral email marketing, You Tube videos,online search and display ads,official pages on dozens of social networking sites along with tactical campaign sites including

MyBo also had an online Spanish phone banking tool due to which registered volunteers could make calls in Spanish. Barack was targeting Hispanic vote bank with this measure.

Email marketing was the backbone of the campaign. The team built an extensive database where cards carrying name,email id,address and phone number were handed out and collected in all the rallies.

  • Bond with the Best

The first step what Obama did after deciding onto contest for the election was to assemble a passionate team of marketing minds which included the Co-founder of Facebook, Chris Hughes.

The best minds brought about the best strategy, which more importantly clicked with the voters' passion., popularly called MyBo, was formed where supporters could create profiles, blogs, join local groups, set up personal fund raising pages based on their personal target.

The language of the online campaigning was informal, friendly and personalised. Creative campaigns like Viral marketing drew tremendous response; the Obama girl video series is touted to have had 60m views on YouTube. "Yes we can" video caught 11m eyeballs.

  • Change the Rules where need be

Dumping the hitherto prevalent and conventional methods of campaigning, Obama chose to embrace the Web 2.0 by investing in digital tools, designed messages that instilled a feeling of empowerment of every voter(Yes we can, not Yes I Can).

Where Hillary Clinton thought she had acquired enough margin from her rivals after garnering support of her party's fund raisers, Obama tapped on the power of the small size donors by unleashing his digital campaigns.

  • Decentralise to Empower others

The entire Obama campaign was a de-centralised campaign by nature. It followed Obama's credo that "change comes bottom-top rather top-down". Voters list(traditionally guarded by the campaign headquarters) was made accessible to volunteers. With this they could download local phone numbers and addresses in order to make calls or distribute promotional materials.

With this acquired freedom volunteers became more creative as a result of which was put together in New York,challenging others to harbour donors to donate $1m in 1 minute.

  • Meet and foresee Customer Expectation

Obama's digital team released a new widget for the iPhone. There were ads placed in online games(for the first time ever).Obama has acquired over 33000 followers on Twitter apart from the other staggering social networking figures stated at the beginning of the write up.

  • Translate "online networking" into "Action"

Remember Howard Dean's fateful loss where he couldn't translate his online networking and popularity into votes; Obama's campaign made sure he won't suffer the same.

The volunteers were encouraged to use a clear online user path-

Register on the site

Volunteer your time


Tele-call,organise local events

Basically, get out the votes.

It proved to be quite successful. There were 20000 groups comprising of tango dancers, air traffic controllers and what not,which could be used to win support for legislation post-election.

  • Checkmate the game

The reason for Obama's success lies in the fact that his campaign never strayed away from its fundamental purpose-"get the votes out". Obama supporters signing up for with the candidate,received text messages and emails(containing phone number to find their polling station) during the elections,reminding them to cast their vote.

The iPhone widget was capable of sorting the contact lists according to the state each person on it lived in.

Obama's marketing lessons coax all us marketers to behold the digital medium by overhauling our marketing tool kit. The cybergenic era awaits us.


Anonymous said...

The way Obama branded himself online was amazing. Compare that to an old man that admitted he had never even been online and it would be hard to imagine the election going any other way.

Anonymous said...

Very good article

Anonymous said...

Hi!Great post.I think you are much knowledgeable.Keep up the good work.
Please visit my blog also.

Birgitta said...

Very interesting. I find it all oh. so strange, that it all comes down to one man promoting himself.

Interstingly enough, in my country where it's more different parties. Most of the members take courses in blog-writing etc. Much marketing and communication is through the new technology.

Keep you chin up!

Anonymous said...

Internet marketing can definitely be a powerful tool. I knew Obama had a presence on the internet during the campaign, but I didn't realize how extensively his team was campaigning on the internet. Very informative article.

Anonymous said...

Very insightful post. You are right that the Obama campaign is a case study that should be used in every marketing course out there. The embrace and effective use of digital marketing by the campaign should be a lesson to all of us.

Anonymous said...

Hello there.. What a great post! Good article..It is really very important to be able to be aware of what's happening in the world. Very informative! Keep it up...
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Anonymous said...

The simple fact that he was able to do what he has done is amazing. He has proven to be the right man for the job even before the getting into the office.

Anonymous said...

very interesting post....just continue posting this informative article,,,and i will this!!

Anonymous said...

nice.. are you a pro writer? great job..

Mathilda said...

nice post, we can build community or opinion by on line

George Polley said...

Wow, this is one of the best articles I've seen on the subject. Great writing, great analysis, and very interesting to read. Just excellent.

Anonymous said...

It's true Barack Obama had a great marketing campaign on the web, but he also had a positive message about change. McCain's message was negative.

Obama is also an excellent speaker and he chose a capable person,Joe Biden, for vice-president.

The election should not have been as close as it was. To me, clearly, Obama was the superior candidate.

Anonymous said...

most excellent, meenakshi - may i republish this w a link here? u deserve 2 be better-known, imo :)

Anonymous said...

My most sincere hopes are that he is as brilliant at running our country as he was at campaigning. One thing that I found impressive was his wife's description of the apartment that he had in Washington. She stated that he had a bare bones, efficiency apartment. Could this mean that he will have a different approach from the politicians who believe they are entitled to the ultimate in luxury while their constituents make do with very little?

Claire from Oooh Baby Baby Parenting and Environmental Issues

La Crona said...

Branding your self is very important, but let´s remember one thing which is very crucial.Be sure that you understand the message one politician is bringing before you get too impressed by how he market himself, cause otherwise it makes no sense.Be sober in a time like this! I, for myself don´t swallow everything because one person is good at branding himself.

Sachín Karnik said...

Great Going!!! Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

obama is realy hot topic all media.
great pos.. visit my blog.

J. A. Colon said...

Great article. Even though I disagree with Obama's policies, premises, and ideology, I agree that he ran a phenomenal campaign. We, as business people and marketers can learn a lot from his campaign.

Unknown said...

it's not difficult to look at every move of a winner as novelty...yes the use of web 2.0 or the new age campaigning was a big factor...but in the end it's the basics really which translate into votes...remember the BJP campaign in last elections, all the use of technology by the emerging youth leadership couldn't prevent the loss....more than anything it's the personal charisma and ability to mobilise the mcCain/Palin combo did all they could to lose...

Anonymous said...

Nice, hello from a fellow stumbler:)